Friday, January 25, 2013
Thank you for coming...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
BY THE WAY... you can visit the wonderful blog House Full of Monkeys for some great insight, notes, and suggestions to the Zoe-Belle pattern. I'd take her word over mine. ;)
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Craftzine's Very First Crochet-Along!

Thursday, June 04, 2009
Have a Munny Day!
I love Munny dolls. And Dunny dolls. And all those weird vinyl toys etc. I’d start a collection if I didn’t feel so guilty about wasting money and space. Here’s my first Munny sketch. Done in pencil then in ink. I think I should get some 4 inch dolls to do with my daughter this summer.
Here he is colored in photoshop and made into a dorky wallpaper for my desktop. hee
In Amigurumi news... here’s a little guy I started yesterday. No plans. No direction. I just wanted to feel the calming rhythm of hook and yarn being stitched into something. ANYTHING. This so far. It has green cat eyes I bought online eons ago, but I’m not sure I really intend for it to become a cat. We’ll see.
Oh yea, we were also watching Cardcaptor Sakura again. Kero-chan CHECK!
I also made this crocheted flower with beads for a hair tie. Woot. The yarn is cotton. I've not done much with cotton before but I'm thinking I want to do lots more.
I hope you’re all doing well out there. Live long and prosper. (Yes I saw the new Star Trek and I loved it! Casting was great. I'm excited for the future of the series.)
What else have I been wasting my time with instead of making amigurumi and writing patterns? Watching too much Heroes. Watched all of Season 3 in a few days. Whew. Addicting.
Stay cool! (^_^)v
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A Doodle a Day Keeps the Doldrums Away

Monday, March 16, 2009
Happy Day
I know making this blanket has been making me happier too.

When I pick it up and work on it the colors scream "happy happy"! I'm behind in this soft-waves ripple blanket making craze I know but it still had to be done. This one is being made with misc. left over skeins so the colors and weights are varying. This other one (next photo) took me over a year to do (becuase I procrastinated THAT much) and was requested in those particular colors.
It was requested extra long too so that could be another reason why it took so long to do.
Anyway, Happy Day to you all!!
ps~ Thanks for all the posts
- from comments on projects to just plain good wishes -
its been very nice. Thank you.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Start with magic ring of 5 ch or however you like to start your spiral/circular shape using 5 ch
Row 2: 2sc in each ch (10)
Row 3: 2sc in first ch, 1 sc in next* five times (15)
Row 4-6: sc in each (in the first sc on row 5 make a cluster – this is the “thumb”. I used a 5sc cluster I think. experiment to your liking)
Row 7: 1 sc in next 3, sc2tog in next* repeat three times (12)
Row 8: sc in each
Row 9: sc in next 5, sc2tog in next sc* repeat (10)
Row 10-11: sc in each
Row 12: switch to shirt color and sc in each.
Bind off leaving long tail for attaching to body.
Note:You can attach the arms whenever you’re ready. I did mine at the end of the project. Whip stitch them to the first row of the shirt, placing them as you see fit. ;) When attaching them, just make sure the thumbs are facing the “right” way; facing forward if you wish for her to seem relaxed with palms toward her sides.